Sunday, September 13, 2009

This Week in Texas Methodist History September 13

Ruffians Attack Methodist Preachers at Industry September 13, 1855

This week’s column needs no comment. Rev. F. Vordenbimer, pastor of the German Methodist church at Industry wrote the following report to the Texas Christian Advocate.

We have a fine church property; the church is 21 by 31 feet with six acres of land belonging to it. We are now having the church fenced in, so as to avoid disturbance from the servants of King Alcohol and enemies of religion; which are, I am sorry to say, some of our own German friends. May God open their eyes and let them see their danger, that they may come to the love and knowledge of the truth, before it be everlastingly too late. They disturbed our meetings several times so that we were forced to have some of them arrested and taken before a justice, a Bellville, and four of them were found guilty, and bound over to make their appearance a the next term of the district court. But they still continue to disrupt and abuse the members of the church. On the 13th of September, about a dozen of these infidels came about the church at night, and threatened the lives of the members and the preachers. The night was dark, and after 10 o’clock, Rev. A. Engel and Bro. Gollmer, who were going to my house for safety, were attacked and Brother Gollmer was knocked down with a stick, and Brother Engel received a heavy blow upon the arm. The ruffian escaped unrecognized. We get little or no protection from our officers, but they are seen frequently with these rioters. May God protect his people with his almighty hand, and eliver us from the hands of this ungodly people, and send his converting power among our German population. Brethren, pray for us and this mission and to God be all the glory.


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