Sunday, June 27, 2021

This Week in Texas Methodist History  June 27



Chappell Hill Female College Holds Commencement Exercises, June, 1878


Because Francis Asbury Mood shifted the focus of Texas Methodist higher education from Chappell Hill to Georgetown when he led the transformation of Soule University into Southwestern University, we forget that the Chappell Hill Female College continued after the closing of Soule. Not only did it survive into the 20th century, it provided a good education for young women, especially in the fine arts.


In June 1878 a reporter attended all three days of the commencement and filed his report.


Commence Exercises of
Chnppcll Bill Female College.

This interesting occasion began Friday
night with a juvenile con-
cert. "The little ones" acquitted themselves
admirably in the rendition of each
The annual commencement sermon was preach-
ed by Rev. W. G. Connor D. D. ofWaco.
At night the pulpit w as filled b) the presi-
dent of the college. Rev E. D. Pitts.
Monday night concert by the music class
which numbered sixty-five and the only
true description that can be given of the
entertainment -is 'that it must have been
witnessed to be appreciated.

Rev. A. El Goodwyn of Galveston deliv-
ered an "Educational Address" upon the
conclusion of which diplomas were award-

Prof. John C Wiley in a very pathetic
manner awarded medals for superior proficiency in
The exercises closed with
a grand concert.
Note:  the pathetic manner in which medals were 
Awarded means “with feeling”.  




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